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Dog Pregnancy: Signs and Care Tips

Sep 22, 2022

Most people love puppies. But, caring for your dog that is pregnant presents unique challenges that you might be unable to handle if you are unprepared.

If you plan on breeding your dog, you might need to know how to identify the signs of pregnancy and what care your dog requires throughout the pregnancy so that she remains healthy and has healthy puppies. Use this guide to dog pregnancy care.

Signs of Dog Pregnancy

Unlike humans, you do not have the option of picking a pregnancy test for your dog at the pharmacy. However, some signs will tell you if your dog is pregnant. They include:

  • Weight gain
  • Appetite changes
  • A swollen belly
  • Enlarged nipples
  • Nesting behaviors
  • Decreased activity
  • Morning sickness

Note that some of these signs may also indicate that your dog is ill. Therefore, take your dog to the vet to rule out the possibility of sickness. Your vet will also perform a diagnostic test to determine for sure whether your dog is pregnant.

Care for a Dog That Is Pregnant

Once your vet confirms that your dog is pregnant, you can take some steps to ensure she stays healthy throughout the gestational period. Below are some ways you can take care of your pregnant dog.

Ensure Proper Nutrition

Proper nutrition is essential for your pregnant dog, as it sustains her during pregnancy and afterward during lactation as she faces enormous pressure to feed her litter. If your dog is already at a healthy weight, your focus will be to maintain that weight. Your vet can recommend what to feed your dog to ensure she maintains a healthy weight.

As your dog's weight increases during the last weeks of pregnancy, gradually increase her food intake. The amount of food your pregnant dog requires depends on the size of her litter.

However, an increase in food consumption in a pregnant dog results in a weight increase. Thus, do not give your dog large meals as this may cause her discomfort. Instead, feed her small frequent meals.

Be Intentional With Exercise

Your dog will need to be physically fit to deliver her litter. Thus, exercise is essential during pregnancy. Going for regular walks keeps your dog healthy and helps avoid pregnancy complications.

Most dogs can maintain their regular exercise routines for up to eight weeks of pregnancy. As your dog approaches her eighth weeks of pregnancy, she becomes heavier and may begin to slow down. Start reducing the length and time of your dog's walks during this period.

During pregnancy, your dog will exercise less to avoid expending energy, so do not force your dog to exercise when she doesn't want to.

Take Your Dog for Checkups

Regular checkups at the vet ensure your dog remains healthy and up-to-date on her vaccinations. During your first vet visit, your vet will tell you how often you need to take your dog for checkups. They will also examine your dog for illnesses and any anatomical issues that could prevent her from safely whelping her litter.

Your dog can pass roundworms and hookworms to her unborn puppies or through milk after birth. Therefore, during the checkups, discuss with your vet which worming treatments are safe for your dog during pregnancy.

Prepare for Nesting

Your dog will need a comfortable place where she can give birth and rest afterward while taking care of her puppies. The nest needs to be in a quiet, private space where no one will disturb your dog. You can cover a large cardboard box with bedding to make a nest for your dog.

Pregnancy does not have to be a stressful time for you and your dog. The more you know ahead of time, the easier things will be for you and your pet. Your vet is also an asset during your dog's pregnancy because they will advise you on the best practices to care for your dog during this period. Contact Alta Vista Veterinary Clinic today, and let us help you care for your pregnant dog.

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