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3 Signs Your Pet Needs Grooming

Admin • Apr 01, 2022

Do you know that about 90.5 million American families own a pet? If you own a pet, grooming them is a significant aspect of their health and wellbeing. Proper grooming makes your pet neat and helps get rid of ticks and fleas. More importantly, you can catch underlying health conditions early on.

Cats and dogs can groom themselves, but this is not enough to keep them clean. Thus, taking them to a vet or professional groomer once in a while is crucial. But how do you know your pet needs grooming?

Discover three signs to watch out for.

1. Long Nails

Dogs can trim their nails naturally if they stroll on sidewalks, roads, and other paved surfaces. However, if the dog spends most of its time on soft surfaces or grass, the nails can eventually get too long, making it painful or uncomfortable to walk.

Neglected nails in dogs can lead to significant health problems. For instance, the claws are more prone to tearing, chipping, breaking, and splitting, which can be very painful for the pet.

Nail trimming is equally crucial for cats. Untrimmed nails often curl and grow into the footpad, causing intense pain. The nails also damage your carpet, furniture, and other items in your home.

In this context, a vet should trim your pet's nails regularly. How do you know if the nails are too long? Physically examine your cat's or dog's nails to see if they need trimming. Alternatively, check if the pet makes clicking sounds when they walk on laminate or hardwood floors. In such a case, schedule an appointment with a professional groomer.

2. Signs of Parasites or Pests

Cats and dogs are prone to pest and parasite infestation, mainly ticks and fleas. Without routine grooming, these pests find their home on the pet's fur, damaging their skin and negatively impacting their overall health.

Check your pest every day for pests and other parasites. Also, keep an eye for other signs of parasite infestation, including:

  • Intense licking, biting, or scratching
  • Hair loss
  • Unusual bumps or red pimples
  • Pale gums
  • Sores

Parasite and pest infestation gradually worsen and can spread to family members and other animals in your home. Since pests feed on nutrients and blood, your dog or cat might appear weak and more fatigued. The pet could also contract deadly diseases from the pests.

During a grooming session, a vet provides a warm bath to get rid of harmful ticks, fleas, mites, bugs, and germs. The bath also helps relieve dry, itchy, and irritated skin. More importantly, it removes dirt and dead hair that act as a hiding place for common parasites.

3. Dirty and Matted Fur

Dirty and matted fur is among the most recognizable signs your pet needs to see a groomer. Outside activities are crucial for pets as they help keep them in good shape. However, as dogs and cats run and play, mud, dirt, and debris build on their fur and skin, making them dirty.

Matted and dirty fur not only makes your pet uncomfortable but is also detrimental to its health. For instance, dirt and debris can lead to bacterial infection and skin damage. A professional groomer cleans your cat or dog and makes them clean and healthy again.

If you notice any of these three signs, schedule an appointment with a groomer. Even in the absence of these signs, frequently take your pet to a groomer. This frequency depends on your pet's breed, hair length, and lifestyle. For personalized grooming of your pet, contact Alta Vista Veterinary Clinic. We look forward to seeing and helping you and your pet soon.

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